New Year New Grade!

Welcome to 2016!
So this year I have been given 26 year twos - and what a grade they are! I have a mixture of abilities ranging from prep all the way to year 5! How amazingly different are kids! I love how each child brings a different aspect to the classroom. Not only in learning abilities but history and behaviour. It's always so interesting getting a new grade and working out how we fit together in a classroom. 

At the beginning of the year, term one is always the hardest. I'm learning about them and they are learning about me. I have taught Prep (kindergarten) for the last 3 years. The difference between Prep and Year 2 is a big one! Prep students are fresh, they've never been in a classroom before so they have nothing to compare to. Year 2 have already been in 2 different classes. I found that I have been getting a lot of "I didn't do that last year!" and "That's not what my teacher last year did". Finding a way to respond was difficult at times. I found the best way to respond was explaining 'why' I chose to run 'our' classroom this way. I always use the word 'our' when discussing the classroom. I find it's very important to allow the students to feel that we are all equals.

Bring on the new year!

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