To Me God Is....

This week in Religion we have been discussing 'Who is God to me?'
We begun our discussion with a brainstorm about God which brought up the question 
'What does God look like?'
Each student was given a green post-it note and were ask to go back to their table and write down anything that comes to mind. The answers were not only adorable but completely different. Some drew pictures, some drew love hearts others described God as medium sized with brown hair and others with blonde hair and a halo. All were correct to them. 

After the brainstorm we decided to draw our own image of God while quiet reflective music was on in the background. Again each picture was completely different. Some students drew God praying, in the garden, on the cross with Jesus and up in heaven. All were correct to them.

In their next lesson we posed the question again 'To Me God Is' 
Students completed a Think Pair Share and discussed the different ways God is special to them. They wrote their beautiful ideas on a template I created. 

The lesson was such a success that the students decided it would look great in their portfolio. They loved the discussion and listening to others views and ideas. 
A great reflective lesson on their beliefs! 

To Purchase Your Copy of this Lesson Click the Link Below!

To Me God Is - Activity!

New Year New Grade!

Welcome to 2016!
So this year I have been given 26 year twos - and what a grade they are! I have a mixture of abilities ranging from prep all the way to year 5! How amazingly different are kids! I love how each child brings a different aspect to the classroom. Not only in learning abilities but history and behaviour. It's always so interesting getting a new grade and working out how we fit together in a classroom. 

At the beginning of the year, term one is always the hardest. I'm learning about them and they are learning about me. I have taught Prep (kindergarten) for the last 3 years. The difference between Prep and Year 2 is a big one! Prep students are fresh, they've never been in a classroom before so they have nothing to compare to. Year 2 have already been in 2 different classes. I found that I have been getting a lot of "I didn't do that last year!" and "That's not what my teacher last year did". Finding a way to respond was difficult at times. I found the best way to respond was explaining 'why' I chose to run 'our' classroom this way. I always use the word 'our' when discussing the classroom. I find it's very important to allow the students to feel that we are all equals.

Bring on the new year!

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